Embark on a captivating historical tour of 70 of London's Underground stations through the lens of Mark Deakin, creator of the widely acclaimed @londonundergroundknowledge Instagram page.
Embark on a captivating historical tour of 70 of London's Underground stations through the lens of Mark Deakin, creator of the widely acclaimed @londonundergroundknowledge Instagram page.
A fascinating collection of bizarre but true stories from nearly 200 years of railway history.
A fascinating collection of bizarre but true stories from nearly 200 years of railway history.
Like L.A., San Diego and Albuquerque were built in Spanish Mission-style , others in Gothic or Greek Revival or Richardsonian Romanesque. Train Stations Then and Now shows the huge variety of building styles of railroad terminals across the USA, featuring the best surviving examples and the finest to fall under the wrecking ball.
A quirky collection of true stories from the stranger side of the Tube, featuring ghost stations, eccentric stationmasters and the real story of what happens under London at night.
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