Natural Skincare For All Seasons: Summer Skin Oil Maceration – Calendula, Borage & St John’s Wort Face & Body Oil

With sunnier days and summer on the horizon, your skin has different needs. Silvana de Soissons is here to help with a recipe for a flower-based oil, from her new book Natural Skincare For All Seasons, perfect for moisturisation and pain relief. 

Calendula, borage and St John’s Wort are filled with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties. During the summer months, my garden overflows with their flowers and I make huge jars of their oil macerations, which last the rest of the year. The oil can be applied all over the face, body and hair, to help keep skin moisturized as well as providing relief for any bruises, aches and pains. Gentle, effective and not greasy, it can be used during the day and at night.


200g (7oz) mixed dried calendula,

borage and St John’s Wort flower heads

200ml (7fl oz) borage seed oil

Sterilize a 500ml (18fl oz) jar and lid in hot water and dry.

Place the flower heads in the jar and top with the oil. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar a few times. Leave on a sunny window sill for 4 weeks or in a cupboard for 6 weeks.

Shake the jar regularly. When you want to use it, strain the oil through a sieve into a clean jug and discard the herbs. Pour into a sterilized bottle, seal, label and date. Oil macerations keep for up to 12 months in a sealed jar in a cool, dark cupboard or bathroom cabinet.

Extracted from: Natural Skincare for all Seasons: A Modern Guide to Growing & Making Plant-Based Products by Silvana De Soissons. Image credit to Jason Ingram. 

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