Autumn events: English Wine by Oz Clarke

Celebrating the publication of the revised edition of English Wine, below are details of where you can come see Oz Clarke this autumn for a spot of wine tasting and a chat about the book. 

Friday 16th September – Chorleywood Bookshop wine tasting. 7.30pm
More details here.

Wednesday 21st September – Appledore Book Festival – Wine tasting evening with Oz Clarke and Helen McGinn. 8-9.30pm.
More details here.

Thursday 22 September – Appledore Book Festival – Wine tasting at lunchtime with Oz Clarke and Helen McGinn. 2-3.30pm.
More details here

Friday 23 September – Wimbledon BookFest – Wine tasting and talking. 8-9.30pm.
More details here.

Tuesday 27 September – Windsor Book Festival – Talk. 3pm.
More details here. ​

Thursday 29 September – Topping Books, Bath – Book event and wine tasting. 7.30pm.
More details here. ​

Friday 4 November – Petworth Literary Festival. 
More details here.

Tuesday 15 November – Topping Books, Ely – Book event and wine tasting. 7.30pm.
More details here.

Wednesday 16 November – Topping Books, Edinburgh – Book event and wine tasting. 7.30pm.
More details here.

Thursday 17 November – Topping Books, St Andrews – Book event and wine tasting. 8pm.
More details here

The new and revised edition of English Wine is out now.

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