Kay Plunkett-Hogge

<p>Kay Plunkett-Hogge is an acclaimed food and drinks writer and the author of <em>Aperitivo: Drinks and Snacks For The Dolce Vita</em>, <em>Adventures Of A Terribly Greedy Girl</em>, <em>A Sherry And A Little Plate Of Tapas</em>, <em>Heat: Cooking With Chillies</em> and <em>Make Mine A Martini</em>. In addition to her own books, Kay has co-authored a further six books, working with the award-winning chef Bryn Williams on his two books <em>Bryn’s Kitchen</em> and <em>For The Love Of Veg</em>, Academy Award nominated actor Stanley Tucci on his second cookbook <em>The Tucci Table</em>, and with the American pizza guru Chris Bianco. She also co-wrote <em>Leon: Family and Friends</em> with John Vincent and <em>Cook Yourself Thin: Quick and Easy</em>. She writes a monthly column for <em>delicious </em>magazine and lives in London with her husband, cats and dogs.</p>

Books by Kay Plunkett-Hogge