My Tiny - My Tiny Garden: Stylish ideas for small spaces (My Tiny): First edition

By Lucy Scott and Jon Cardwell

Think you don’t have enough room to green up your act? Not everyone has access to outside space or what we traditionally think of as a garden, but we all have window ledges, doorways, stairways and unloved spots.

My Tiny Garden is bursting with exciting ideas and savvy solutions to help you transform any neglected nook into a plant paradise.

With mini meadows, blooming balconies and plant-packed pavements, we’ve unearthed over 25 amazing unconventional green spaces. Meet the friends who developed a living wall inside their LA office, the London firefighter who rescued a neglected roof terrace, and the Berlin-based photographer who found a picture-perfect community garden at an abandoned airport. You’ll pick up all the best tips and tricks as each gardener shares their small-scale expertise, from pots on wheels to vertical planters.

Packed with practical advice and design ideas, the latest title in Pavilion’s exciting gardening series also provides pointers on key aspects of cultivation – from planting suggestions through to after-planting maintenance and the lowdown on which plants will prosper in which place. Plus, practical projects including an aquatic terrarium, an alpine wall planter and a desktop garden will help you make the most of every inch.

Whether you’re looking to create a tropical oasis, a flower-filled patch, or a wildlife wonderland, get inspired, let your imagination grow and enjoy your tiny garden.

Format: Hardback
Release Date: 11 Feb 2016
Pages: 160
ISBN: 978-1-910496-54-1
Detailed Edition: First edition
Lucy Scott is a nature writer, with an artistic interest in stories that explore how plants, trees and landscapes help us better understand ourselves. She co-created Lost in London magazine in 2010 to explore how to live more sympathetically with the city\'s wild landscapes. Her creative non-fiction, informed by RHS horticultural training at Capel Manor College, has been published by Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Monocoleand TheEcologist. Her first book, Lost in London: adventures in the city\'s wild outdoors, was published by Portico in 2013.Jon Cardwell is a London based photographer and filmmaker. His work has featured in The Guardian Weekend, AnOther Magazine, Harper\'s Bazaar, Vogue, Elle, The FT and Monocle.
